Cutting machine for customers who outsource processing
As a metal wholesaler, you have a highly varied customer base, all of whom want to respond to their clients’ requests as flexibly as possible. This includes customers such as bed manufacturers and kitchen suppliers. It is, however, simply not viable for them to invest in their own automatic cut metal tubes. They therefore rely on you to provide the flexibility of a professional cutting machine that cuts tubes to size, for example in relatively small batches or up to a total of 100,000 units per customer annually.
Tight scheduling calls for flexibility
Your operations as a metal wholesaler are not always focused on the processing of metal tube in high quantities, but rather in responding to the customer’s particular requirements. Some customers want to carry out the tube machining process themselves. Those who do opt to outsource it to you, however, rely on your service and expertise for the simple reason that their own scheduling is often critical. One customer’s requirements may also vary greatly from those of the next. Such smaller customers therefore need to be able to make snap decisions. And you are keen to offer them support in this regard. Given their flexibility and modular structure, Bewo cutting machines are perfectly suited to such circumstances. The machine can be controlled by a barcode scanner using your ERP data.
Does the customer want the tubes cleared of swarf and deburred? In that case, you simply set the machine up to do so. During the product check, the machine compares tubes with similar values. The tubes can also be marked using a laser, printer or pin marking.
All machined tubes have to be forwarded to your client’s customers according to particular requirements. This may be in crates, cardboard boxes or perhaps bound together with a strap. The method of packaging depends entirely on customer requirements, which may change from one day to the next. Fortunately, the Bewo automatic cutting machine’s modular structure enables it to adapt seamlessly.