Feedback customer survey service Bewo

Feedback and conclusions of the survey, based on 30 respondents.

  • 84% of the participants rated the services of Bewo as good or higher. So there is still room for improvement.
  • 10 to 15% of the participants think that the speed/response time should be improved.
  • 43% of the participants would like to see an increase in the accessibility of the Service Department.

Improvement actions within Bewo

  • We will investigate internally what kind of service requests have a relatively long response time and how we can improve this in the medium term.
  • Bewo will extend the reachability of its service department by telephone from 07:30 to 17:30. In the medium/long term, Bewo will endeavour to extend the reachability on several fronts.

The survey also showed that there is a great demand for training courses with the following topics:

  • How to search for a fault
  • How to solve a malfunction efficiently
  • How to avoid failures in the future

We will draw up a training programme for this in the coming months so that we can start offering this training in 2023. If you are interested, please register now and we will inform you as soon as the training programme is ready.


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